Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snow Retreat Pics

Hannah, Amy, Bonnie, Tabia, and me

Bonnie and me


forevereternalmike said...

Nice! Where was the snow retreat at?

Aletheia said...

It was at Tall Timber Ranch, near Leavenworth. Aren't those mountains just awe-inspiring?

forevereternalmike said...

For sure. I love the snow. It paints such a gorgeous scene when it covers the trees and the entire ground.
Oh, Leavenworth. Did you go there and get some sauage and clogs?
I love fake German towns!

Aletheia said...

Haha, no, I've never been there. I didn't know it was a fake German town.
Ron told me a German joke today.

forevereternalmike said...

What was it?
Yeah, Leavenworth is pretty sweet. Every year around mine and my dad's birtdays (Feb 2 and 4) they have a winter snow festival. But I have never gone during one. I want to, though.

Aletheia said...

Oh, so this American lady who doesn't know any German visits Germany. She feels totally lost, until one time she sneezes, and someone says, "Gesundheit!" And she says, "Finally, someone who speaks English!"

forevereternalmike said...

that's funny